Wednesday, November 4, 2015

A Life of Faith

Faith Annette Sand, a member of EWC in the 1980s and an active member of EEWC-CFT’s Southwest chapter, died in August.  A family gathering was held shortly after.

Her memorial service will be celebrated on Saturday, November 7, at the Cathedral Center of St. Paul, 840 Echo Park Avenue, Los Angeles 90026, followed by a reception at another church.

For details, call the Cathedral Center at 213-482-2040.

Faith was born in Minneapolis in 1939, attended Hampden DuBose Academy, and graduated from Wheaton College in 1961.

After serving on the mission field in Brazil for fifteen years, she returned to the US and earned an MA in Missiology from Fuller Theological Seminary in 1982.

She leaves her husband, the Reverend Albert Gleaves Cohen; two daughters from her first marriage, Heather and Heidi Pidcoke; and eight children adopted and raised while in Brazil.

As founder of Hope Publishing House, she published many books and wrote three books, Travels of Faith, Adventures of Faith, and Prayers of Faith.

I am grateful to Faith for her courage to publish my pro-choice book, Abortion--My Choice, God's Grace: Christian Women Tell Their Stories in 1994.  

Members of the Southwest chapter of EEWC-CFT will remember Faith for hosting their annual Epiphany party in her beautiful home for many years.

She had prayed courageously for healing from metastatic melanoma.