Monday, March 31, 2014

Pelicans at Work

Pelicans in a feeding frenzy at sunset
Pelicans repeatedly torpedo into water

Something in that water is attracting them.
Usually they just fly in straight lines...

Sunday, March 30, 2014

When hills skip...

Nothing makes you shout "Hallelujah!" like an earthquake...
Westwood with downtown LA and Puente Hills in distance,0,3860867.story#axzz2xVausnqP

We are comparing notes after the 5.1 south of Los Angeles, and thinking about trying to get the cracked chimney pulled down and replaced with a steel pipe before nature pulls it down for us.

The mountains melt like wax before YHWH,
before the ruler of all the earth.
    ~ Psalm 97:5

The mountains skipped like rams,
The hills like lambs.
  ~ Psalm 114:6

Moving graphic to demonstrate P-waves and S-waves:

First-hand accounts:

A friend was in the Disney Concert Hall in the second balcony, where it really shook.  The orchestra played on as some in the audience got up and left.  It wasn't until an aftershock that my friend decided she'd had enough and left the building.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Duet at Dawn

Venus and the moon
both shining in the southeast sky
before dawn today

(in the south Saturn
facing Scorpio
and farther west Mars
hanging in Virgo
just above Spica)

half of our solar system on display
held in the ecliptic plane
as Earth marks the vernal equinox

Friday, March 14, 2014


Between a moon
March 14, 2014

and a star
at sunset
facing Orion
and asking
all the big questions